Friday, March 7, 2014

Letting go of comparison

Hey guys,
So between moving shenanigans (the navy loves shenanigans), anxiety about where we are going to move( we find out in 4 days!! EeeeK) and competition prep (2 weeks out…all favorite foods are GONE) my life has just been pretty crazy. But! I wanted to take the time to talk to y’all about something really important today.  

It’s that time of year where people give up things they love, aka LENT. Originally I wasn’t planning on doing lent because I already gave up some of my favorites for this show like Peanut butter and cereal…I flippin LOVE cereal.  But then I realized I could give something so much more important than food up.

I went over the the gym today to practice some posing and work my abs. I usually bring my phone with me to watch professional athletes pose so that I can mimic them. As I was standing in the mirror contorting my body around (Posing is actually really uncomfortable) I started noticing how different my body looked from some of the pros. Yes, they have been doing it for a while but, I started to think about how perfect they looked compared to me. I felt super discouraged…I thought to myself “whats even the point of working out…” I hate admitting this.

People may look at me and my Instagram and believe that I am 120% in love with my body all day every day. But, quite honestly Im not. I get out of the shower almost every day stare at myself in the mirror. Some days I get out of the shower and think Hot bananas! I got Abs! I got Muscle! Whoop whoop! time to listen to techno go to the gym and get swooooooole. Yea, that’s pretty much what goes through my head. However, there are other days that I look in the mirror and stare…and stare…and turn…and stare and think wow. I am so imperfect. I dream of getting sponsored and becoming a fitness model however, its these days that I just don’t believe it’s possible. I don’t have a long torso, Im short, and someday’s I don’t feel lean enough blah blah blah.  It’s funny…because if we had nothing to compare ourselves to, we would wake up every day thinking we are the most beautiful woman in the world.

But. I am ready to get these lies out of my head. This year for Lent I plan on giving up comparison. I have talked about many times how it steals so much joy and happiness. And that is so true. God has blessed us with such beautiful bodies and lives…why listen to the lies?? So from here on out whenever I catch myself thinking about how much better I could look, or how I don’t look like some chick on Instagram, I am going to refocus my thoughts on God and what he has blessed ME with. For example, the fact that I can even go to the gym and work out is a blessing…and I LOVE it. Also, God made each of our bodies unique and different. That should be celebrated not hated. I mean, I love the fact that Im small. I’m a 5’3 lil munchkin, with monkey toes, and strangely happy and joyful24/7 ;). And quite honestly I DO love my body and think it IS beautiful. And I don’t want anyone else’s body, but my own. Why?! because mine was designed specifically for me. By God. And how awesome is that. And HE did NOT make a mistake.You were designed the way you are for a purpose! So good bye comparison. You’re going in the freezer where my peanut butter currently is. But…my peanut butter is coming back out after two weeks( THANK GOODNESS), comparison is NOT ;)
Just like giving cookies up for lent, this too is going to be hard…and I’m sure I will fail at times. But these next few months I am going to make a conscious effort to not let negative thoughts creep up on me ruin my day. I hope soon this will become a habit. I encourage YOU to also to give up some sort of negativity in your life for lent. Let’s see how we can grow and change.

Love you all!

Mandy :)

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

New Horizons

Hello friends!

Again, its been a while. haha Actually I am making it a goal to write at least once a week! I have gotten a lot of requests to blog lately we go! Just a fair warning, I tend to be totally scattered brained and random when I write, so get ready for a roller coaster ride!

Right now my life is in a transition period. Its kind of like a plateau and I can see the mountains in the distance. And they look beautiful and amazing, but still far off. As most of you know I have been jobless the past 8 months ( I was an elementary art teacher.) Caleb and I made this decision together and it was definitely the best. I perused my passion for fitness and living a healthy life style. I am now planning to become a personal trainer in the near future depending on where we get stationed! woo hoo! Hence, I feel like I'm on a plateau. I see amazing opportunities in the distance, but they still feel almost out of reach. That brings me to those mountains.

Caleb and I will find out where we will be getting stationed for the next 3 years on March 11(same day that our families will be coming into town!! yay!) I am about to pop with excitement!  We are hoping to get stationed West Coast or even abroad! We both feel the need for adventure and a challenge. But well see what God has in store for us. The only thing that gives me peace is knowing that God will place us where we NEED to be...and I have no control over that. But, goodness, March 11 seems so far off! And I know Caleb and I will be happy where ever in this world we go. The three possibilities for the rag (Caleb's next part of training) are Cali, Norfolk VA, or Jacksonville FL, and they all have their perks! After Caleb finishes the rag (about one yea training) we could go abroad. The future is definitely a mystery right now, but I'm kind of loving it! I will definitely be keeping you all posted when we find out!

Its funny, I feel totally prepared and ready for this next move. Im excited to start a new stage in life. If you asked me if i was excited for change about 5 years ago, I would have laughed.Caleb and I have been in Pensacola for about 2 and half years...way longer than pilots usually are. This past year was a year of struggle and growth and I know Caleb and I are both ready for a change. We have made some of the most amazing friends (especially recently!) and had awesome opportunities to travel while we have been here. Also, the beach is nice....really nice. ;)

Exercise wise, things are going amazing! haha one of the big reasons I am going to be sad to leave Pensacola is because of the amazing gym family that I have. Maybe I can just bring them with me ;) Ill start posting some exercise routines and recipes on here soon! :) :) ....and if I don't, harass me till i do!

Okay so now that you know whats shakin in my life here are what my goals are from now till when I leave Pensacola.
1. Caleb and I are trying to take full advantage of the area! I definitely believe in that fact that you dont know what you got till its gone. Open your eyes and take in the amazing things you have been blessed with. From here on out, each weekend is our adventure weekend. 3 weeks ago we went camping, 2 weeks ago we went to New Orleans and visited Caleb's amazing cousin and celebrated Mardi Gras, and last weekend we went kayaking with our good friends. Always remember to live ;) Also, during these excursions we put ALL social media away...Its amazing how much more you ge out of a trip when you aren't distracted ;)
2. Gym goals: I started lifting lighter with higher reps to get "shredded" for an upcoming show that I may or may not participate in depending on when we are moving! I have really enjoyed the change. I am definitely feeling more of a burn when working out than I did when I was lifting heavy! I think its important to change things up now and then in the gym. It keeps workouts exciting and new! :)
3. Stay on top of house chores...because I'm still 5 and it takes me a week to fold laundry. hahaha